2023-2024 Campaign “Protection Shield for Children”

In a changing world with galloping technology, the main and ongoing objective of the Committee (Cy-NCECH) is to reduce children’s and fetuses’ exposure to documented, institutional and other potential emerging toxic agents which imply seriously documented risks, although their final documentation and institutionalization is still pending. Within this catergory fall the following: chemical substances, passive smoking, the non-ionizing radiation of mobile phones and Wi-Fi, the misuse of digital technology, especially in the first years of a child’s life and the emerging risks of Climate Crisis.


Α. Awareness – Informaton – Education of parents and teachers regarding the risks and good practices of the fetus’ and children’s Protection.

Β. Informing children about the risks, but also about the good practices they can implement themselves. Their Empowerment for self-protection and claiming their right to health.

APPROACH: The approach is based on the Precautionary Principle (COM2000), the 2017 Nicosia Declaration on Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Radiation, the positions of the European Parliament (2009), the Council of Europe (2011) and the suggestions of the Medical World and especially of the Paediatric Societies worldwide.

A particular focus will be given to schools and houses, where children spend according to their age at least 60-90% of their time and where the time management depends exclusively or at least on parents and teachers.

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