Our Mission
The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health was recommended in 2004 with decision of the Ministry Council. Our mission is the protection of foetuses and children from environmental dangers, which can threat their health, as well as the promotion of a healthy and safe environment with the minimal possible exposure in unhygienic environmental factors, so they can be ensured of their bodily, intellectual and mental growth and also the conditions of a healthy future life.
In order to realise its mission, the National Committee participates:
- In the configuration of policies or bills, which probably influence (directly or indirectly) the health of children.
- It promotes and materialises inquiring activities, aiming to the investigation of the repercussions of environment in the health of children and foetuses, with emphasis in the prevention of illnesses of environmental explanation.
- It trains professional of health, teachers, politicians and organised groups of parnts for the repercussions of pollution of environment in the children’s health and for also the strategies of prevention.
- It generally sensitises the people for the environmental dangers.
- It constitutes the National Point of Report and the Institution of Collaboration on the ”Environment and Children’s Health” with the European Union, the World Organism of Health (WHO) and other international Oraganisations.
Forthe promotion and the co-ordination of action in National and European level for invstigation, sensitization and prevention of repercussions of environmental toxic factors in the child, the Committee prepares and coordinates the National Action Plan ”Environment and Children’s Health”, which is approved by the Ministry Council and has as its basic aim the prevention of illnesses, which also are related with the exposure of children in environmental dangers. The activities of the National Committee are supported by the State.
The Committee has already developed an appreciable action. It was awarded internationally and had a vital role in the promotion of special legislation on the precaution of children from dioxins.