Welcome to the website of the National Committee
“Environment and Child Health”!
The goal of our website is to inform and raise awareness about the environmental risks that threaten children.
The National Committee “Environment and Health of the Child” was established in 2004 by decision of the Council of Ministers. Our mission is to protect the fetus and the child from environmental risks that threaten its health, as well as to promote a healthy and safe environment with the least possible exposure to unhealthy environmental factors, in order to ensure their smooth physical, mental and mental development and the conditions for a healthy future life.
Latest News
The latest news concerning the child and his environment.
Scientific News
You can learn about scientific research and discoveries.
Electromagnetic Radiation
Learn about radiation from cell phones and other wireless devices.
Nicosia Declaration 2017
Common Position Document on Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
Book of the Committee
Learn how you can protect your child from environmental factors
Anti-Smoking Spot EEPY 2023
Αντικαπνιστικό σποτ της Εθνικής Επιτροπής “Περιβάλλον και Υγεία του Παιδιού” με τίτλο: «Προφυλάσσουμε τα παιδιά μας από τον καπνό/ατμό του τσιγάρου, του ηλεκτρονικού τσιγάρου, του ναργιλέ και άλλων καπνικών προϊόντων».
We Utilize Technology Safely (2023)
Σύντομο σποτ της Εθνικής Επιτροπής “Περιβάλλον και Υγεία του Παιδιού” με τίτλο:”Αξιοποιούμε την τεχνολογία με ασφάλεια”
Young Children Learn to Protect Themselves from Mobile Phone, Tablet, etc. Radiation
Το βίντεο στοxεύει να ενδυναμώσει τα μικρά παιδιά στην αυτοπροφύλαξη και την διεκδίκηση του δικαιώματος σε υγιές περιβάλλον.
Radiation and Pregnancy / Fetus
Σύντομο σποτ της Εθνικής Επιτροπής “Περιβάλλον και Υγεία του Παιδιού” με τίτλο:”Αξιοποιούμε την τεχνολογία με ασφάλεια”
Campaign at the Archbishop Makarios III Hospitalspital
At Makarios Hospital, we reduce children’s exposure to Wi-Fi and cell phone radiation, using technology safely. Find out how in the video above.
Radiation and Child
Advisory Video of the National Committee “Environment and Child Health” for the Protection of Children from Electromagnetic Radiation
This video was created to provide advice on how to protect your children from Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF/RF) emitted by Wireless Devices, WI-FI, 3G, 4G, 5G, etc.
Radiation and teenagers
Advisory Video of the National Committee “Environment and Child Health” on the Protection of Adolescents from Electromagnetic Radiation
Learn about the dangers of exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF/RF) and simple ways to protect teenagers.
Guide on Safe Internet Connection, Especially for Children and Distance Learning
We are thankful that today’s technology allows us to work from home, the children to attend their classes, and especially to stay in touch even from “far” with those we love…