Informative Leaflets Developed by the Cyprus Committee on Environment and Children's Health, regarding Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF/RF)
Educate yourself about the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation and the Protective Measures that the Cyprus Committee Suggests.
The most recent leaflet contains brief information and 8 practical measures to reduce exposure (2019), while the leaflet of 2016 is a more extensive guide.
2019 Leaflet
Guide on Safe Internet Connection, Especially for Children and Distance Learning (2020)
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39 Kyriakoy Matsi,
1082 Ayious Omologites,
Contact Us:
Tel. 22809412
Fax: 22809455
President of the National Committee
on Envrironment and Children’s Health:
Dr Stella Canna Michaelidou
Tel. 99431695